I was just looking at pictures of my aunts and cousins in Argentina and I started missing my mom and realized how much I push out my feelings of loss and try not to think about it. I do miss her so much and still need her. I miss her laugh, her hugs, her smell, her voice, her nurturing and godly advice. I miss sitting with her and just being together. This August will be three years since she went to be with the Lord.
I am also pondering the fact that God has blessed me with a restored friendship with my dad and I am enjoying having him in my life. I can see how God has brought us closer and how much it means to him and to me.
Another thing I have noticed is how much Lindsay and my mom are so alike. Mannerisms and talents. I see so much of my mom in her and it really makes me smile and thank the Lord for her.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago